About the series: 'I created this collection of works as a response to the turbulent and unpredictable times that we are living in. A time of unprecedented change and upheaval...
About the series: "I created this collection of works as a response to the turbulent and unpredictable times that we are living in. A time of unprecedented change and upheaval where everything is being called into question and rearranged. This backdrop to world events made me reflect on our humanity as a species living on this planet. I wanted to explore the notion of balance and what it means, using myth, Indigenous philosophies and Tarot symbolism as a vehicle for these explorations I created Five ‘Earth Sciences’ Threshold Guardians, each with their own attributes. They are keepers of ancient knowledge systems, protectors of the keys to our connection with the universe. All are connected in some way to pyramid structures. I am interested in the fact that there are pyramids situated in all continents around the globe; and of the notion that they were built in order to balance out the earth’s frequencies. It made me question what would it take for us to restore some kind of balance globally but also within ourselves.
My use of symbols in this work is done with the intent of connecting the viewer with something which is outside of our current time / space paradigm. I believe we all have ancestral memory encoded within our DNA so with these works I hope there will be some form of resonance on an unconscious level."
About the specific piece: "She is in the process of making a Lemniscate (infinity symbol), one hand is offered to the viewer in an act of peace, and the palm of the other other hand faces the viewer as if gesturing for the viewer to stop and contemplate. The spiral in many ancient traditions speak of the act of creation and the cycle of all things. The geometric shapes reference the pyramid which is perfection in geometry terms, therefore balanced."
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