Amanda Mushate
Mushate is establishing herself as a leading voice in
contemporary Zimbabwean painting and an innovative young abstractionist with
a growing international reputation. As a young woman and a new mother, in a
male dominated field Mushate is also a role model and an advocate for women
artists, making art and careers possible without sacrificing family. After
completing her studies at the National Gallery of Zimbabwe Visual Arts Studio in
2016, Mushate was mentored by Gresham Tapiwa Nyaude to develop a vibrant
and unique personal vision and modes of expression, presenting her first solo
exhibition in 2018 with First Floor Gallery. Like any young person, Mushate is
preoccupied with finding and shaping her place and path in this world, while
negotiating the complexity of interpersonal relationships. Drawing her inspiration
from music and from people around her but not wanting to be constrained by
over figuration, she paints and sculpts her happiness and burdens, and the things
that she takes time to visualize. “Art is a way for me to write about a ‘future’ for
me and for all individuals for them to never be overshadowed by negative
influences that divert us to our true purpose in life.” Mushate’s passionate,
playful and mazelike canvases have been winning critical and international
collector attention globally with works in important private collections in Cape
Town, New York, Harare, London, Amsterdam and Paris.